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Integrating Neon in your Electric Sign is one of our specialties. Good processed Neon should last easily 20 years when processed correctly and very efficient light average at just 3 watts per linear foot. Neon cannot be duplicated by appearance, longevity, or light output by LED's

Having the "Know How" makes the difference between staying Maintenance Free, or becoming a Maintenance Nightmare
Our Signs


Halo illuminated letters don't offer a loud in your face signage but instead are a elegant, classy, and subtle signage. Can be illuminated by Neon, or LED Light Sources.

All Our Electric Signs come with a 5 Year Worry Free Electrical Warranty. The state of California only demands 1 year.
Our Signs

This is Your Sign


Dimensional lettering & Logo's for your interior or exterior signage needs.

We can fabricate & install your company's logo or branding for just about any application & identification
Our Signs


Internal illuminated lobby signage for your office or lobby. We can replicate your company's logo or identification and illuminate it to impress your visitors and customers.

All Our Electric Signs come with a 5 Year Worry Free Electrical Warranty. The state of California only demands 1 year.
Our Signs


Ground Signs for your business or shopping center. Illuminated or non-illuminated. We will fabricate & install your ground signs for identification or direction.

All Our Electric Signs come with a 5 Year Worry Free Electrical Warranty. The state of California only demands 1 year.
Our Signs
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Staff Directory



Erik Gastelum


Erik Gastelum has been the owner operator of West Coast Sign Company since 1993.  Obtaining a C-45 California Contractors license for West Coast Sign Company in 1995.  Erik Gastelum is also the Administrator of a nationwide electric sign & technical community group, The Sign Syndicate. 

Through the Sign Syndicate Erik developed multiple light testing project tests for the electric sign industry on Neon, Fluorescent, & LED Lamps for the sole purpose of studying Light Output, Efficiency and Lumen Maintenance (Light degradation over time).

Erik has also served on the United States Sign Council (USSC) as a technical advisor, and has appeared & written technical articles in a few electric sign trade magazines.

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